How to Organize Your Coupons

There are many ways to organize your coupons. The main thing is you find out what works for you! There are 3 main ways of organizing your coupons.

  1. Coupon Binder-With this method you would clip all of your coupons and file them in baseball card holders in a three-ring binder. With this method you can carry your binder to the store  and have all your coupons with you while you shop.

  2. File by Insert-With this method you just file all your inserts by date in a box and use an online coupon database to track down which insert you need to find to get your coupon. This method requires a lot less cutting coupons out but you may miss some good deals because you don’t carry your coupons with you.

  3. Envelope– When I began couponing I cut all the coupons and put them in an envelope. This system will work for a little bit but after you have been couponing for a couple weeks your coupons won’t fit in the envelope anymore. Although I do keep a small zippered pouch in my purse where I hold my favorite coupons! 🙂

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