Kids Craft: Tie-Dye Baby Wipes


There is one thing we have tons of in our house and that is baby wipes! So I ran across a craft for my older daughter Alicia can do. It is probably for children that are a little older but with a little mom or dad help anything is possible. Remember that your child does not need to do this exactly as described. They are the artist not us, so let them make art! Enjoy! 🙂

What You Need

Baby Wipe

Rubber bands 


Gloves (Optional)


  1. Help your child tightly twist and roll the baby wipe until it’s about the thickness of a pencil. Or they can fold it instead. 
  2. Next have them take 4 rubber bands and tightly wrap them around the baby wipe about every inch or so. 
  3. You may want to have them put on rubber gloves now if you have them as this can get a little messy.
  4. Put the rolled up baby wipes onto thick scratch paper or cardboard.
  5. Have them color with marker between the rubber bands pressing hard to insure the color goes all the way through.
  6. Depending on their age you may want to cut the rubber bands off for them. 
  7. Have them unroll the baby wipe and see the beautiful piece of artwork that they have created! 
  8. Give them time to dry and attach to a piece of construction paper to work as a frame! 🙂

Thanks Kinder Art

The Cute Kid


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