Spa Night: 15 DIY Spa Treatments you can Make at Home

spa night final I have been having a great time with my oldest daughter having our own spa night at home! We have been scouring the internet and just trying out some of the spa treatments that we find and have been having a blast. It’s so much cheaper to have a spa night at home instead of going to a super expensive salon. Some of the recipes below we have done and love and some are on our to try list. 🙂 Let me know how they work out for you!

Homemade Coconut Salt Scrub by wonkywonderful PHOTO

Edible Mud Mask by The Dating Divas

Peppermint cocoa Lip Balm Essentially Eclectic

Peppermint Foot Cream by Robyns View PHOTO

Super Nourishing Recipe For a Vegan DIY Hair Mask by My Beauty Bunny

Coffee Sugar Scrub by Mom on Time Out PHOTO


Deep Moisturizing Whipped body Butter Cream by Life Ann Style

Lemon and Honey Face Mask by Hairspray and High Heels PHOTO

DIY Detox Bath & Coffee Face Mask by Hairspray and High Heels

DIY Leg Scrub by Miscriant

Moisturizing Hand Scrub by Electified Living 

DIY Sugar Scrub by Hairspray and High Heels PHOTO

Cranberry Face Peel by Behind the Scenes Makeup

Orange Face Mask by Curious Charlie



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