FREE Post-it Sample

I love Post-it Sticky notes and they are giving away a FREE Post-it Sample away just for sharing what you use Post-it’s for!! So head over HERE. You will see a picture just like the one to the left of my post but it will be on the right side you can try clicking that if you want but I got an error on the link. If you look above the picture you will see a gray tab that says “Share Your Idea”. You will need to click that to fill out your info on the FREE Post-it’s Then you will need to fill out a little information on what you use Post-its for. Make sure you like Post-it Brand on facebook to qualify for your FREE post-it Sample. Then you will need to add your name and click the box that says I want to receive a Full Adhesive Note Sample. Below you will add your address so they will know where to send the FREE Post-it sample. Don’t forget to click the I accept the Terms & Conditions button and hit Share your idea. 🙂


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