Check out the Pourty! My Daughters Potty Chair of Choice!

As you all know my daughter is 18 months old and a little spit-fire. She is very lovable but stubborn as an ox and when I pulled out the potty chair to show her and introduce her to it she wanted nothing to do with it. It was one of those standard little kids potty chair with the little bucket type thingy that you have to pull out and dump. Well I thought it was pretty cool because the seat is a squishy type of soft foam, I thought that might make her feel a little more “comfortable”, well it didn’t make her feel more comfortable it made her freak out. She actually sat on it jumped up and took off the squishy seat and flung it across the room. So I decided maybe we should try that again when she got a little older. Well after a bit I took it back out of the cabinet and just sat it in the corner. We did this a couple times and she wanted nothing to do with it. So I figured she’s just not ready no big deal.

Well then a friend of mine told me about the Pourty. She was teaching her little one to go on the potty and nothing had been working but she had received a Pourty and all of a sudden he was going on the potty!! We were talking on the phone and I just couldn’t vision what she was explaining so I went and looked it up myself online. I was in love as soon as I saw it!! The Pourty has just one piece. There is no goofy bowl that you have to maneuver out and into the toilet so that means less mess.

When we got the Pourty we just sat it in the middle of the floor. Charlee is only 18 months so I don’t want to have her hating the Pourty already. Well low and behold she walked over to it looked it over and sat down!! Now any other time that we had tried introducing a potty chair she sat on it and jumped up saying no no no!!! For some reason she wasn’t scared when she sat on the Pourty and that is a Big Deal!! She looked like she felt very comfortable and didn’t look like she was scared of falling off. We are still working on potty training but I am so glad that I have found a potty that she is not afraid to use.

To learn more about the Pourty head over here and check it out. You can also follow them on facebook and twitter to keep up to date on all the colors they have available. If you are interested in ordering the Pourty they have it on Amazon here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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