Hefty Freezer and Storage bags are on sale, buy one get one free, this week at Walgreens! (If they are not tagged as such in your store, have the cashier do a price check.) Since Walgreens allows a coupon to be used on a free item, use a $1.00 off two newspaper coupon from the 1/6 Red Plum insert!
Buy 2 Hefty Storage Bags, 22 ct or Freezer Bags, 13 ct $3.49, regular price
Buy One Get One Free through 2/16
Use one $1.00/2 Hefty Slider Bags, 13 ct or larger, Limit of 4 like coupons in same day from RP 1/6 (exp 3/31)
Final Price: $1.25 each, when you buy 2
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